Thursday, February 28, 2008
Good news today!
I decided to force myself to read the entire book because, for one; I had this book forever, and second because I truly need some pussy.
Between the start and finish of the book, I have been using the notes I wrote and applying them to my daily life, like maintaining eye contact, touching, appearing classy, being a dominent male and etc. Now ever since then, I'm noticing that I'm going on a lot more dates with girls. I went on 2 within the passed to 2 weeks, the 2nd one was yesterday with a cute asian. heheheh.
OH yeah and my new job is going great.
I'm being promoted from NOC(Network Operations Center) to a programmer. Sweet.
Anyways, I just wanted to update this blog. Ja.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Short update
Also, I'm going to go through an intensive 3 month japanese course next week.
benkyoo! benkyoo! (study, study)
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Various things
This evening I was visiting to see the remaining candiates and found myself shocked when I discovered RON Paul current position. He is in 2nd place for the republician party. He has come a long way since last year.
Also he has managed to raise the most out of his party and is the only one, out of all the parties, to have no debt! Simple amazing.
But will this help him win the race ?
-Job Interview Results
やった!! I got the job. The company's representive just called me. WOW. What a relief.
Now I can go to work on the weekdays and work on weekends. キック アッ
For those of you who are wondering, the job deals with monitoring a company's alert system and reporting it to the appropiate people to resolve the issue.
Only problem is that I'm going to have to quit my job referreeing basketball for kids. Oh, the fun of bossing kids around. How I'm going to miss thee.
-SVG with Japanese Fonts
Yesterday I was playing around with SVG and I finally discovered how to display asian fonts.
The answer is simple. Use the unicode vales.
A year or two ago I made a unicode display script, so that took out all the hard work.
I've been thinking about using SVG for my future Japanese Tutorial Site.
Unicode Display script.
SVG example here. (Use Opera)
じゃ また
Japanese Words:
やった Yatta - "Yes, I did it" (interjection)
キック アッ Kikku Assu - "Kick ass" (interjection)
Friday, February 15, 2008
Job interview with some spice.
I'll let everyone know of the results.
Until then, じゃ.
じゃ ("[See you] later" in Japanese.)
じゃまた。 (See you later)
Thursday, February 14, 2008
A new start
Well, lets see how this goes.
じゃ また。